Domain specific language
A domain specific language (DSL) is a system which provides the user with an expressive means of solving a problem. It allows a user to interact with the system on their terms – not just programmer-speak.
Your users, in general, do not care how your site looks. They do not care about the decoration, animations, or graphics. They want to use your system to push their new employees through the process with minimal difficulty; they want to book travel to Alaska; they want to configure and buy unicorns at a discount. Your job as tester is to come as close as you can to “capturing” this mind-set. With that in mind, we set about “modeling” the application you are working on, such that the test scripts (the user’s only pre-release proxy) “speak” for, and represent the user.
The goal is to use ubiquitous language. Rather than referring to “load data into this table” or “click on the third column” it should be possible to use language such as “create a new account” or “order displayed results by name”
With Selenium, DSL is usually represented by methods, written to make the API simple and readable – they enable a report between the developers and the stakeholders (users, product owners, business intelligence specialists, etc.).
- Readable: Business stakeholders can understand it.
- Writable: Easy to write, avoids unnecessary duplication.
- Extensible: Functionality can (reasonably) be added without breaking contracts and existing functionality.
- Maintainable: By leaving the implementation details out of test cases, you are well-insulated against changes to the AUT*.
Further Reading
(previously located:
There is a good book on Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans
And to whet your appetite there’s a useful smaller book available online for download at
Here is an example of a reasonable DSL method in Java.
For brevity’s sake, it assumes the driver
object is pre-defined
and available to the method.
This method completely abstracts the concepts of input fields, buttons, clicking, and even pages from your test code. Using this approach, all a tester has to do is call this method. This gives you a maintenance advantage: if the login fields ever changed, you would only ever have to change this method - not your tests.
It bears repeating: one of your primary goals should be writing an API that allows your tests to address the problem at hand, and NOT the problem of the UI. The UI is a secondary concern for your users – they do not care about the UI, they just want to get their job done. Your test scripts should read like a laundry list of things the user wants to DO, and the things they want to KNOW. The tests should not concern themselves with HOW the UI requires you to go about it.
*AUT: Application under test